Team Tents
DragonSports provides all teams with 10x10 canopies (property of DragonSports USA, please do not take home with you). The canopies will be staked and this is your assigned location. You may set up additional canopies, but please do not move from your assigned area.

No Smoking, Please...
Just a friendly reminder that all City of Portland parks, including Tom McCall Waterfront Park, are now smoke and tobacco free! This includes, but is not limited to, "bidis, cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, clove cigarettes, e-cigarettes, nicotine vaporizers, nicotine liquids, hookahs, kreteks, pipes, chew, snuff, smokeless tobacco, and marijuana."
Violation is a misdemeanor which could lead to citation, the primary method of enforcement will be education. Patrons who refuse to comply with the policy may also be subject to a parks exclusion. Enforcement will be administered by PP&R staff and other Park Officers who have the authority to enforce park rules.