Portland Dragon Boat Race Information Page

On this page you'll ind all the information about the race. Watch this page as the date approaches for additional and updated information

September 6th and 7th, 2025

Welcome to Portland for the 2025 Dragon Boat Festival!

Refund Policy
After May 31, DragonSports will issue a full refund less a USD 200.00 administration fee if requested on or prior to August 14, 2025. Fees are non-refundable after August 14, 2025. Refunds requested in writing will be processed within 30 days of receipt of notification.

In the unlikely event of cancellation or postponement of this event due to circumstances beyond reasonable control of DragonSports, including but not limited to, safety, weather or similar concerns, DragonSports cannot be held responsible for any cost, damage, or expense which may be incurred by registrants as a consequence of this event being postponed or cancelled.

Race Course

All races, except the the Race Around the Bridges final, will be 500m races.

The race courses will run adjacent to the RiverPlace Marina as approximated in this map. 
See Info on the Race Around the Bridges

2025 Registration Fees  

USA Visting Team


For teams more than 50 miles outside of the Portland Metro Area and not in Canada. In July the price increases to $1100.
Register Now
Local Teams


For teams within 50 miles of the Portland Metro Area. In July the price increases to $1300.
Register Now
Canadian Teams

$750 USD

Canadian teams will pay roughly the equivalent of other visiting teams based on current exchange rates. In July the price increases to $850.
Register Now

Additional (Specialty) Divisions

There are also several "Specialty Divisions" for Cancer/Breast Cancer Survivors, Masters (40+), Grand Masters (50+), and an OPEN division. Cost for EACH specialty division team is $200.

Race Venue Location 

The festival venue will be located at the south end of Tom McCall Waterfront Park, between the Hawthorne Bridge and RiverPlace. Food vendors, the Beer Garden, and merchandise vendors will be located just south of the path (green line) south of the Hawthorne bridge.

The Command Center (information, registration, and volunteer check-in) will be located at the south end of the bowl area, adjacent to the RiverPlace Hotel. Team tents will be set up throughout the bowl area.
First Aid is adjacent to the Command Center.
View the Festival Location in a Larger Map

Team Check-In and Pre-Race Meetings

All team captains must check their teams in at the Command Center (located on the south end of Waterfront Park) before the Pre-Race Meeting on Saturday. The Command Center will be open for check-in on Friday afternoon from approximately 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. and again starting at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday.

All team captains and steerpersons must attend the Pre-Race Meeting on Saturday. We will also hold a more informal Q&A Pre-Race Meeting Sunday morning. The Pre-Race Meetings will be located at Marshaling (adjacent to the Command Center) at 7:45 a.m. both days.

Race Schedule & Brackets

Race Schedule will be posted when registration closes.
​Brackets will be posted the weekend before the race.
View Schedule & Brackets
Team Tents
Parking & Transportation
No Smoking!

Team Tents

DragonSports provides all teams with 10x10 canopies (property of DragonSports USA, please do not take home with you). The canopies will be staked and this is your assigned location. You may set up additional canopies, but please do not move from your assigned area.

Parking & Transportation

Public Transportation Options
The Portland Streetcar, MAX, and many TriMet buses run right near the race venue. Visit TriMet's Trip Planner & Interactive Map to plan your route downtown. Enter "WATERFRONT PARK SOUTH" as your destination.
Parking Options
If you must drive, there are several pay lots and parking garages near the race venue. The pay garages at RiverPlace are generally more expensive. We recommend Smart Park (SW 1st & Jefferson) and the parking garage across the street (on SW Jefferson) in the Columbia Square bulding.

Free street parking may be available Sunday morning. Parking meters are monitored Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 7 p.m.

No Smoking, Please...

Just a friendly reminder that all City of Portland parks, including Tom McCall Waterfront Park, are now smoke and tobacco free! This includes, but is not limited to, "bidis, cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, clove cigarettes, e-cigarettes, nicotine vaporizers, nicotine liquids, hookahs, kreteks, pipes, chew, snuff, smokeless tobacco, and marijuana."

Violation is a misdemeanor which could lead to citation, the primary method of enforcement will be education. Patrons who refuse to comply with the policy may also be subject to a parks exclusion. Enforcement will be administered by PP&R staff and other Park Officers who have the authority to enforce park rules.

Rosters and Waivers

Roster and waiver forms must be completed for ALL teams. You can download all roster and waiver forms here.
Not yet available

Race Rules

Please review the race rules, which includes general info, regulations, racing rules, the protest procedure, and the Race Around the Bridges.
View the Race Rules

Register for the Race today!

Prices increase the end of June!